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She pulled her thoughts away from her marriage, and turned them to Paige, and the committee meeting they would face that afternoon. Maddie had pushed for them to hire Paige. She instantly liked her, and knew they thought alike. The two women were determined to transform the stodgy old Department into a leading light for professional women everywhere, raising the consciousness of all academia about the issues that really mattered.
Thoughts of the tall, cool brunette were going through her head as she plunked her naked bottom down on the satiny pillow of the vanity bench, and gazed up to confront herself in the mirror. The pixie-like face that looked back at her from under those damp bangs, met her gaze with serious, green eyes. She took in the compact shoulders and teardrop-shaped breasts -- small, plump tits with just the slightest sag to them, that presented with wide brown nipples. She thought of Jennifer, a lanky kid who always sat slouched in a front seat in her “Intro” class, her long, slack-limbed body sprawled out like a lissome colt.
Jennifer was one of those free spirits, who, as far as Maddie could tell, didn’t even own a bra. Her apple firm breasts, their well-defined nipples pressed boldly against straining T-shirts, invited the boys to look -- which they did, to the point of walking into walls! Maddie watched them in class, sneaking furtive glances at Jennifer’s chest. Drooling like helpless puppydogs!
Then, yesterday, as she was waiting for class to begin, she watched one of the boys, a guy named Kyle, who had been talking quietly to Jennifer, lean closer to whisper something into her ear. The girl giggled, and gave him a playful shove, and Kyle eased back in his chair, a pleased smile on his face. He was wearing pair of denim shorts and as he slouched back in his seat, he opened his legs, letting his knees fall apart, presenting to Maddie, who had a direct view to the boy’s crotch, an unmistakable bulge, thick and hard, brazenly tenting the tight denim. The thought of that young prick, swelling up in the flush of arousal, hard and ready for the girl he was flirting with, gripped Maddie like a vise. She became aware, searingly aware, of the heightened male horniness. She could almost smell it: the sexual excitement stimulated by the jiggle of the frisky girl’s unfettered breasts. Suddenly, a wave of randiness swept over her, and she had to gulp down a knot of lust and lean back against the podium for support, as she ran a hand over her brow.
Now before her mirror, she brought up a hand to cup her own left breast, hefting the little weight on her curled fingertips. An extended thumb rubbed thoughtfully over the pliant nipple. The words ‘bare breasted’ came to her. A wicked thought raced through her. Why not? After all, in the dearly days the burning of the bras were burnt publicly in an act that became the signature ritual of the Liberation Movement. Of course, it would be silly to actually destroy her underwear, but the thought of going around wickedly bare-breasted under her blouse, brought a smile to her lips sent a wicked thrill rippling through her.
She jumped up to slip on a pair of panties, and then stood before her closet considering a top. It was a sleeveless blouse that she selected, almost a vest, made of shiny purple silk. She buttoned the front and coaxed her breasts into place, delighted with the feel of the slippery fabric rubbing over her nipples. The top few buttons could be left open; wide collar smoothened down into two flattened triangles.
Maddie ran her hands down her flanks and over her hips, and then back up again, to lightly cup herself through the thin slick fabric. Smiling to herself, she sat down on the bed to struggle into a pair of pantyhose, though why she chose to put up with the damned inconvenience of pantyhose, she couldn’t say; but when she pulled them into place and ran her flattened hands over her nyloned haunches, she felt good. She stepped into her dark twill pants, and finally, slipped her stockinged feet into a pair of flats.
Now, completely dressed, she settled once more before her vanity, to blow dry her damp hair, rake clawed fingers through the unruly mop, fluff up the bangs. On an impulse, she opened a drawer of long-ignored cosmetics.
She selected some blush. A little makeup wouldn’t hurt, she decided, even if it violated some stern feminist injunction. It had been a long time since she considered makeup at all -- the primping before the mirror to make oneself more attractive (to the male of the species?); it was all sort of repugnant, if you thought about it! She knew it simply perpetuated the “sex object” myth! Paige would be shocked to see her using makeup. She was really adamant on the subject, but Maddie wasn’t so sure. After all, one could only take sisterhood so far. Surely, a bit of blush to add some color to the cheeks, and maybe even a touch of lipstick, something subdued, of course. It couldn’t hurt? At least, once in a while?
She sat regarding her frank cat-eyes in the mirror, large and green and thoughtful; no longer young, with crowsfeet starting to appear at their edges. She approved of the subtle definition of her now highlighted cheekbones, the muted pink lipstick, carefully blotted, that defined her pursed lips.
‘Oh, what the hell,’ she thought, reaching for some eye liner.
Dr. Maddie Fox drove like a woman in a hurry, changing lanes impatiently, weaving through the morning traffic, with one thought in mind: She had to get to her desk. She was tingling, excited, one might even say ‘driven’ to see what awaited her in today’s glowing e-mail.
In spite of the oversized baseball cap, floppy sweat suit, baggy army jacket, and clunky shoes, the blonde with the pony-tail was still cute enough to cause the guy working behind the front desk of the computer lab to look up, and follow her lithe body with lively interest, as she blithely made her way to a free console at the back of the room. With her mind set on the task before her, Jamie completely ignored the kid at the desk, along with everyone else in room. Her fingertips flew across the keyboard with brisk efficiency, booting up, typing in her password, then tapping the desk impatiently while she waited for the little icons to appear, and the hoped for message. Yes! She got mail!
There it was! The one she had been hoping for, third from the bottom. A wave of elation ran through her. Ignoring the other messages, she ran the colored bar down to highlight the message from Dr. Wolfe, and she pressed “Enter.”
The next day, the same kid was back at his post behind the desk when the hot blond chick zipped past, causing him to look up and once again follow her longingly, as she rushed to an empty workstation. It was the same pony-tailed girl, hurrying to get to a computer, but this time there had been quite a transformation!
The freshly-scrubbed face of yesterday bore carefully applied make-up: those big brown eyes were highlighted, the lashes lengthened, and thickened. The dark glossy lipstick she wore made her lips even more inviting. With her straight silver-blond hair drawn back into her perky ponytail, the mini-skirted blonde bounced along. Was she really so totally unaware of the how incredibly hot she looked, the kid wondered?
He watched her from over the top of his screen: the short skirt and the skimpy top -- a bright blue halter pulled tightly and tied behind her back, streamlining her maidenly breasts. The brief halter, pulled so taut that it compressed the slight bulges on her thin chest. A pair of stubby nipples to clearly showed through the shiny fabric. The sexy top left her velvet smooth midriff deliciously bare, while letting a sliver of softly-mounded breast peek out at each side from under her arms. The loose, khaki mini-skirt she wore came halfway down her slender thighs, allowing her bare legs to be freely displayed in all their naked glory. The modest heels of a pair of strapped sandals kept the girl on her toes, elongating those delicious, lightly-tanned, mouth-watering lengths. In her frenzied haste to get to a computer, the girl paid not the slightest attention to the awe-struck kid who sat staring in wide-eyed wonder.
Jamie was one of those rather rare girls who could go for a long stretches without a guy. It had never been a problem for her, because the pretty blonde had guys falling over themselves, pathetically eager to get in the pretty blonde’s pants ever since high school. Still, while they always seemed be around h
er, she never gave a lot of thought to boys. Not that she was a Lesbian like so many in the Movement. It was just that she reserved her adoration, almost a hero-worship for strong women -- women like Paige Robbins, who had half-convinced her that men were pretty much useless, joking they could be replaced by a more trustworthy dildo, or if need be, a turkey baster. She was half convinced that women didn’t need men. So it was unusual, that for the last few days her thoughts had turned increasingly to sex…and to guys. Suddenly, Jamie would find herself shaken by uncontrollable waves of randiness that rolled over her, and left her weak as a kitten, and purring with an intense horniness that became a physical thing. At times like that she had to find some private place and immediately take matters in hand. She knew she was far too young to be having hot flashes, but those sudden surges of arousal suffused her with warmth and left her sweating. And when they receded, they left her flushed, her whole body tingling with sexual excitement.
Now, as she waited for the bus, a knot of lust tightened in her belly. She quickly looked around, and she snuck a furtive hand down to touch herself between her legs, quickly pressing her fingers against her skirted, rapidly-moistening vagina.
It had been a long day at school. Frequently distracted and unable to concentrate, she somehow managed to get through her night class. But now she knew what she was. She a female in heat, and she wanted a man! She set out to hunt.
Jamie had often taken the long ride on the University bus, as it made its interminable loop around the east campus. She knew it would be crowded with night students on their way home. By this time, there would be plenty of guys on board, as the later trips always picked up a crowd from the gym. The bus could be counted on to be hauling a load of freshly-showered jocks. The shiver that went through her caused her to close her eyes, and rock back on her heels. The erotic image of naked men, a whole a roomful of them, soaping their bodies under steamy showers, hit her with such force that it took her breath away.
Now she stepped up onto the dark, crowded bus, and quickly surveyed the passengers: mostly boys from the gym, a sprinkling of girls from night classes. As she expected, all the seats were taken. Then she saw him: the boy she wanted, wedged into a back corner, hanging from the overhead bar, a tall, rangy guy, with dark hair and rugged good looks, wearing a T-shirt and jeans. For a split second their eyes met; he looked away, not wanting to stare.
The male passengers looked up with interest when the pretty blonde got on, causing Jamie to lower her head and smile to herself. She couldn’t help being secretly pleased. As she made her way down the crowded aisle, brushing past their awkward bodies, one could sense how her presence in their midst instantly excited the cluster of healthy young guys.
She pushed her way through the crowd till she got to the guy in the shadowy corner. Looking up at him with those big brown eyes, she gave him a pleasant smile in a dim, overhead light, before deliberately turning her back on him. She reached up for the overhead bar after having placed herself only a few inches in front of the boy. She could feel him behind her, sensed him shift his weight, widening his stance against the sway of the bus; she set her heels in the same manner.
The bus drew up to another stop; still more students pushed their way on. The new passengers pressed into the narrow aisle, and it became even more congested; bodies were squeezed together. Jamie was jostled slightly, and used her rebound to fall back against the standing boy, pinning him in the corner. He was taller than she was, but only by a few inches, and her soft bottom now made contact with his blue-jeaned loins. She turned to sneak a look over her shoulder, and found him looking out the window.
Random movements in the crowded space pushed them closer; the movement of the bus, as it suddenly lurched, pushed her ass back into him. Jamie would go for it! She took a deep breath and then reached back to boldly touch the boy’s leg. She sensed the guy instantly stiffen as her fingers glided over denim. There was a pause, then he shifted and let his lank body fall forward, meeting hers in full-body contact. She could hear his breathing deepen; fought the urge to look over her shoulder.
Instead, she sent her spread fingers creeping around the curve of his thigh, till she could insinuate her hand between their tightly pressed bodes, blind fingers seeking his manhood through the front of his jeans. Again his body stiffened as her inquisitive fingers explored, and then quite definitely found, the tented shape. A semi-solid penis! The young woman’s fingers closed on the unmistakable bulge, instantly powering the healthy young lad into a full-fledged straining erection.
She moved her hand, slid the flattened palm of her hand down the front of his jeans, pressing with firm confidence right over his straining prick. For a moment, she fondled him and then clasped and urgently squeezed his rock-solid cock, clutching the meaty length in her small fist. And when she was confident she had the guy solidly upstanding, she moved her hand out from between their bodies, and happily wigged her ass back against him, relishing the feel of his upstanding prick against her lightly-skirted bottom. She made him tremble, and thought she heard his make a noise, a soft groan; his hips squirmed back in lusty answer.
Now fired by her own burgeoning lust, Jamie reached back to find his free hand and take him by the wrist. She brought the hand forward, placing it around her trim waist. He felt his way along the bones of her lower ribcage seeking the smooth flesh of her taut bare midriff, and used that hand to pull her back against him, wiggling his hips, letting the blond girl get the feel of his hard penis, his terrible need.
Jamie closed her eyes, craned back; purred in dreamy contentment. The little throaty noises made by the writhing blonde, caused a few of their fellow passengers to look their way, but Jamie’s eyes flew open, and she met their curious gaze boldly, directly; caught looking, they guiltily turned away.
The crowded bus lurched along, wallowing around a sweeping curve, and when they regained their stance, the dark-haired guy had slid his hand down and around her thigh, to fit his curved palm to the pert contour of Jamie McDonough’s mini-skirted rearend. He realized he had a hot piece on his hands. Just how far could he go in feeling up the hot, sexy chick on this crowded bus? She squirmed her bottom into his large, masculine hand; signaling with her wagging hips, how much she loved it, and he knew he could get away with just about anything! His prick surged in wild elation at the happy thought.
His splayed fingers stretched more widely, digging into the meaty flesh, and then closing to grab and hold and squeeze a greedy handful of taut, young cheek. Jamie sucked in a shivering breath as she felt his hand move over her thinly clad ass, his fingertips tracing the ridged outline of her panties through her skirt.
His adoring hand felt its way lower to the back of her thigh to caress the rich, succulent flesh he found there. He kept up his incessant fondling, squeezing her thigh, heating her up, and though she tried to control herself, she couldn’t help grinding her ass back into his groin.
With increasing confidence his furtive hand slid up the taut smooth skin at the back of her leg, and right up under her loose khaki skirt. Jamie was thrilled to feel guy’s hand going right up her skirt.
He delighted in the silky feel of her pantied ass, moving his hand freely over her nylon-covered buttocks, relishing the slick feel of the thin fabric as it slid over the girl’s smooth, tight mounds. His eager fingers took a firmer grip of Jamie’s plump little bottom, squeezed and kneaded her pliant buttocks together in his large palm.
She gasped, quivered; bit off a tiny moan. It was becoming harder to hide the fact that the pretty blonde was getting turned on, aroused by the warm comfort of the masculine hand that was paying tribute to her pert young behind.
By now the guy fully realized, that incredible as it might seem, he had one very hot chick on his hands; he forgot his fellow passengers as he used a finger to trace the crack of Jamie’s clenching ass. Pressing though the nylon seat of her panties, he followed the curve down between her legs. Then he pushed forward, just a little, nudging her, coaxing open her legs just a b
it more, to gain even greater access to her pantied cunt. Jamie shifted her heels, humping the hand that was wedged between her thighs, and rocking back against this stranger’s lean body.
His middle finger sallied into that intimate place between ass and cunt, tickling her in the crotch through the thin strip of damp silk, working the openly panting girl up by using just the tip of his finger. He had her squirming. She sucked in a shivering gasp of air through clenched teeth. Abruptly, her slim shoulders heaved and a massive shudder ran through her body.
The guy used that moment to press his advantage, sending his curling fingers nosing up the front of her crotch, pressing into the spongy pubic mound through the thin nylon, while the fleshy palm of his hand cupped and cuddled the slight bulge of Jamie McDonough’s oh so needy pussy. She was wet: her panties warm and damp in his hand. And while he secretly fondled her furry cunt, the girl’s breathing seemed to stop; her whole body froze.
He felt her buttocks clench instinctively, at each new exploration. He moved his finger gently, deliberately probing between the fleshy folds. Suddenly, her hand flew back, clamped his wrist, and extricated his hand from under her skirt. The horrible thought flashed through his mind: Had he gone too far! But they were both too hot and bothered to care about anything. The bus was coasting to a stop as she dragged the astonished, though now grinning, college boy by the wrist, pulling him down the aisle and out of the bus, wildly eager to finish what had been started on the bus.
That night Jamie had a vividly colorful dream. It took place at the college gym where she often went to work out. She found herself alone in the silent, deserted building. She had just finished her work out, and was on her way back to the women’s locker room to shower and change. As she walked down the long tiled hallway, she came upon a large room -- the open bay of a shower room.