Compulsion Page 6
'Turn around; show him the back,' he says.
And this gorgeous blonde does it. She obeys like some kind of a pretty robot, dropping her dress, turning in place, then promptly hitching the dress up in back to offer me a the nicest view of the back of her sleek, stockinged legs, heels set close together; beyond the banded stockings, the white flesh of those heavenly thighs and her splendidly naked ass -- all openly exposed, right there in my office!
It was all so unbelievable! There was this classy broad, calmly showing me her bare butt: an ass to die for: tight hard cheeks with a narrow crack; not too big, but high-set and rounded. You know the kind. Absolute perfection! The kind of ass you just have to grab a hold of, or lick it, or spank it, or fuck it, do something to it. Nathan must have read my mind.
'Go ahead, be my guest. You want to touch her, don’t you? he asks, inviting me like some gracious host inviting me to sample a particularly tasty dish. He knew I was dying to get my hands on that tight little ass.
Believe me, I don't need a second invitation. I get up, scramble around the desk and reach for her. My hands are actually shaking, but I restrain myself and just use my fingertips to trace up those smooth satiny cheeks. Then I feel up that beautiful bottom of hers, while she never moves a muscles but just stands three, holding up her dress, and letting me do whatever I want. Guys, it was incredible! I couldn't stop myself. I wanted more. I look over to Nathan to be sure, but he just smiled and nodded.
So I use both hands, cupping her cute butt, letting those high-set cheeks nicely fill my cupped hands. I squeeze and savor the solid feel of the blonde's bouncy behind, playing with her plump mounds, while the girl, holding her dress up, shifts her weight from foot to foot, but otherwise stays in place, keeping the pose he put her in. All of sudden she surprises me by jerking upright, electrified by a powerful surge that thrills her to the core. Immediately, she bends over, arching her back and shoving that rump of hers right back, thrusting it into my hands, and she wiggles her butt all around, arching up like a big cat in heat.
I glance over just in time to see Nathan stab the button -- again, and again; the girl goes berserk. She shoots upright, her shoulders twisting, as the surge of pure pleasure rockets through her long, swaying body. She shudders and shakes her hair like a wild woman; and then she moans, a low shivering moan, but before she can recover, he hits her again, and that one drives her to her knees. The blonde is kneeling on my office floor, bent over, holding herself, struggling for breath, when she gets whacked a third time. In a flash, the electrified blonde shoots straight up and arches back, kneeling there with thighs spread out as much as that bunched up dress would allow, teeth clenched against the erupting surge of pure, ecstatic pleasure that crazy Nathan forces her to endure. She gives out with a screech like banshee; both hands fly down to grab her crotch and she holds herself there, palming her cunt, clutching it hard, squeezing urgently, with fingers curled up and buried deep in her crotch. Her shoulders are heaving and she’s panting through her open mouth, like she just ran the 440. I can't move; struck speechless by the hot sight of this hot blonde driven crazy with lust and writhing out-of-control, right before me, on the carpet of my office floor.
Now this sex-crazed blonde is rubbing herself off, furiously palming her cunt, humping her hand, and all the while making this high-pitched keening noise. Her hips start bucking. Suddenly, she looses all control, falls over, rolls on her side and lays squirming there on the rug, dress rucked up around her waist; those glamorous, stockinged legs scissoring wildly. She rolls over onto her belly, and her hips start rocking again, deeper now, in strong pelvic thrusts. She got both hands jammed down between her legs, her thighs clenching on them, as she makes this keening screech. She’s masturbating like crazy, rubbing her snatch till she starts to shake and tremble like she's having some kind of convulsion. And right there before my eyes, that girl gets off, let’s out a shriek that they can hear in the next building! And there, on my floor, she has one helluva orgasm! I know it sounds crazy, but I watched that gorgeous blonde moaning and actually coming on the carpet…right in front of my desk!"
Well, anyway, that was Sid’s story.
3. Clinching the Deal
As anyone in business knows, there are many, many ways of clinching a deal.
Burns looked up from his desk to see the highly efficient Jessica Hartley, hovering in the doorway. Jessica carried an IBM notebook; ready, as always, to take down her boss’ every word. The perfectly poised secretary wore an expectant smile on her pretty face, a pair of thick-rimmed glasses perched low on her nose, and not a stitch of clothing -- save for the 3” high heels on her bare feet.
Burns smiled, pleased to note that the tall, stately brunette had once again automatically obeyed the unspoken order that was now firmly embedded in her subconscious -- an order she was quite unaware of, yet one she instinctively obeyed…whenever she heard the triggering words. By now, Burns need only buzz his attractive assistant on the intercom, summoning for her “special duties,” and Jessica would promptly drop whatever she was doing and go straight to the walk-in closet in her office. There she would completely disrobe and neatly stow her clothes. Then she would answer her boss’ summons as required --wearing nothing but her shoes.
It would never occur to Jessica to question why she should find herself performing her office duties in her birthday suit. It was simply a condition of her employment. She was sure it had had all been explained to her when she first started work at the company, and to Jessica, it made perfect sense, just part of her duties. And although, on occasion, a vague, niggling thought intruded telling her that there was some thing wrong here, something terribly wrong, the half-formed voice of caution was immediately drown in the warm and fuzzy feeling the words “special duties” sent flooding through her suddenly weakened body, and the overwhelming surge of lust that quickly followed.
She remembered her first day on the new job, when Mr. Burns had escorted her into the dimly lit viewing room so that she might watch the company’s video. It was required of all new employees. She sat comfortably cradled in the deep pillows of a massive easy chair. Before her in the darkened room sat a big screen TV, oddly, the only other piece of furniture in the room. Burns explained that the video began rather slowly, but she was not to let her attention stray. She would be tested on what she saw, so she must pay close attention. In no case was she to take her eyes off the screen, even for a second. Jessica, very much wanting to please her new boss, sat up alertly, staring wide-eyed at the screen, just as she had been instructed to do.
Then he turned off the lights, backed out of the small room, and quietly closed the door behind him with a muffled click. In a minute or so there was music and the video exploded onto the screen in a blaze of brightly colored lights. Jessica felt herself relaxing as the lights began to dance: a strange slow rhythmic dance of pulsing lights. “How pretty” she remembered thinking. The funny thing was she really couldn’t remember much else about the video. In fact, that was the last thing she remembered thinking -- “how pretty.”
“Come in, Jessica. I want to fill you in about a meeting I have with a client this afternoon. A very important meeting. It’s with a Mr. Carlyle, who represents ITTO, a consortium of some very powerful Japanese businessmen who have shown an interest in our operations. His recommendations could be worth quite a lot of money to us, so we must treat him nicely. He’s to be here at 2, and I want to be sure he receives the VIP treatment. The minute he arrives, you are to go to the reception desk to greet him, and then personally escort him back to my office. Be sure to smile, and welcome his graciously. I expect you to be your usual courteous and polite self. Once you’ve brought him here, go back to your office and wait for my call. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Mr. Burns.” The naked woman before him promptly nodde
d, her blue eyes bright and alert, eager to be of service.
“Good girl.” Burns smiled his approval at her, letting his eyes rake down that long, sleek body, those succulent, small-mounded breasts, that flat belly, and the wispy dark-haired bush that invited the hand to what it adorned, just between the girl’s legs. He pushed his chair back from the desk, and gestured to his waiting assistant. “Now come over here. Sit here,” he tapped himself on the lap. We have some time till lunch, and I think I should like to play with those darling little titties of yours.”
Long accustomed to the highest levels of the corporate world with its posh boardrooms, exclusive country clubs, and private jets, Logan Carlyle was not a man to be easily impressed. So, as he waited, he gazed on the expensive, modern decor of the Company’s executive suite without much apparent interest. However, a look of definite interest came to his steely eyes when a stunning brunette came through the double doors to welcome him. She was poised imperiously in her high heels, moving with the stately grace of a high fashion model advancing down the runway.
His eyes were immediately drawn to a set of tall gorgeous legs encased in darkly-tinted nylon; their smoothly sleek feminine contours left to be admired by a tightly narrow skirt that ended halfway down a pair of absolutely superb thighs. The pale mauve of a frilly silken blouse under the matching jacket softened the severe lines of the neatly tailored navy business suit that defined the perfectly groomed woman’s trim and youthful figure. He looked up to find her big blue eyes engaging his with sparkling interest; a ready smile came to those wide, neatly chiseled lips. Logan felt a tingle.
She came up to him, greeting him respectfully, and asked if he would please follow her. It was an invitation no red-blooded man could possibly refuse. Logan would have followed this beautiful girl to hell! As she escorted him down a thickly carpeted hallway, the man caught a whiff of her intoxicating scent, and it was all he could do to resist the urge to let his dangling hand come up to cup the girl’s skirted rump that swayed so seductively, only inches from his hand.
Burns stood up to greet his guest, and as the two men shook hands Burns saw that Logan was having trouble tearing his eyes away from his lovely secretary. He knew at that instant that he has his man! The plan was bound to work.
The pretty secretary was sent off to fetch some coffee, and the two men watched her go,
the adjourned to a leather couch behind a glass coffee table where they might make small talk while they waited. Soon Jessica returned with a tray containing a carafe and two china cups. They watched her while she poured and when she reached down to serve Logan his coffee, his eyes caressed the long, leggy brunette, briefly met those sparkling blue eyes, studied the upswept hair pulled back from her oval face and neatly pinned in place, the smiling lips; he couldn’t help smiling back at her.
She was dismissed, gave a slight bow of her neatly groomed head, and left them with that dazzling smile of hers. The two males turned as one to watch the sashaying female figure retreating, and only when she closed the door behind her, did they shake off that pleasant distraction. They were, after all, here to make a deal.
Burns knew that the Japanese had sent Logan for this job because he was an aggressive, hard-nosed negotiator. He also knew of Logan’s reputation as ass hound. Harry Connicker, one of Burns’ managers, told him all about a night he spent with Logan in Las Vegas when the two of them, after a long day of meetings, went out at night looking for some action. “The Guy can’t keep it in his pants,” Harry said. Burns understood all about guys like Logan. It was weakness he fully intended to exploit, when the time was right. Burns, too, was a tough negotiator and he knew that in such matters, where the stakes were this high, timing was often crucial.
The two men immediately got down to business; proposal and was quickly met counterproposal, each vying for some small advantage, suspicious of what the other had to offer. Later teams of lawyers would draw up the papers and everything would be gone over again with a fine-toothed comb, but for now the two executives had been fully empowered to make the deal, and each one knew it.
They had been at it for more than an hour, and seemed to have reached an impasse over residual rights when Burns, attempting to pour more coffee, found the small carafe empty. He proposed a break. Would his guest like a little more coffee? Logan nodded, leaned back, and lit a cigarette, while Burns went to his desk, tapped the intercom key and told the answering secretary that she was needed for “special duties,” and that she was to bring a fresh pot of coffee with her.
Logan found the phrase mildly curious, but he shifted back to relax and enjoy the reappearance of the lovely creature Burns employed, idly wondering what it would take to get the girl to join his firm as his executive secretary. He causally mentioned something about Jessica, and Burns was soon singing her praises, agreeing that she was a rare secretarial assistant: both competent, marvelously efficient, and lovely to look at. At that moment, as if on cue, the door opened and the object of their conversation came in carrying a pot of coffee and wearing…nothing but her shoes!
“Sonovabitch,” Logan breathed, in wide-eyed astonishment. The girl seemed not to have heard his remark; she was not in the least bit fazed by his bewildered reaction. She just sauntered in buck naked, perfectly poised, not the least bit embarrassed or self-conscious by presenting herself to two men as nature intended. She stopped before Logan with head held high, a vacant stare on her pretty face, her eyes blank as though set on some distant horizon, She might have been a lovely robot, mechanically pouring coffee for the awe-strucked guest who sat there, gaping in wonder.
“What…the hell? What’s going on?” he managed to sputter out once he found his voice. The nude secretary, going about her serving duties, had now turned away to fill her boss’ cup, bending down, unassumingly providing their wide-eyed guest with a choice view of her jutting behind.
Burns was grinning from ear to ear, hardly able to contain himself. “I though you might enjoy seeing a little more of our Ms Hartley.”
Logan turned to his grinning host. “What is this?!” he hissed.
“Relax, Logan. I just wondered what it would take to get you to see things our way on those nasty ol’ residuals. And it occurred to me that Jessica here might be able to help change your mind. You see, she’s only too eager to help out, doing whatever it takes to clinch a deal. She’s not only a loyal employee, but also a smart businesswoman,” he said beaming at his astonished guest. He turned to look up at the waiting nude. “Aren’t you, Jessica?”
“Yes Sir,” the voice came out in a dull monotone. Like the expression on her face it was flat, without emotion, and Logan began to think that the girl had been drugged. He stared up at the naked woman who stood patiently staring off into space, waiting for orders, a small chrome coffeepot held in both hands.
Burns chuckled. “Let me tell you a little secret, Logan. It concerns a bit of work we did sometime back for the government, well the CIA actually….”
And so Burns went on to tell the story of how certain mind altering experiments had been prematurely shut down, just when they were showing some glimmer of promise: victim of Washington’s stupidity and an unexpected funding cut. Or at least Washington thought the project had been terminated. But Burns had quietly kept the work alive, took personal charge of the project, and soon found certain experimental results to be extremely useful in what he called “employee relations.” This was a top secret part of the company’s work, known only to him and a few scientists, and it was these experiments that he felt sure would interest Logan and his Japanese masters. He had prepared a demonstration.
Now he turned to the standing assistant. “Jessica Dear, put the coffee down and go to Mr. Carlyle.” The girl obediently set the chrome pot down on the glass table and walked over to stand before their guest, her hands loosely at her sides, shoulders squared, and head held high, her big blue eyes staring into
space over his head. Logan gazed up at the vision of sheer loveliness offering herself to him in all her naked splendor.
His eyes took in that long and leggy figure, the lanky arms and lithe chest sporting its modest breasts: small and slightly mounded, pouting breasts with neat crescent undercurves and generous nipples that protruded in saucy invitation. His scrutiny fell down the lean body, slender hips, flattened belly to the soft mound of a richly furred vulva, a dark-haired pussy tucked between those sleek thighs.
Burns interrupted his reverie. “Well, what do you think? I hear you’ve got quite an eye for the ladies, I’d be interested in knowing your opinion of our Jessica?”
“Are you nuts! What do you expect me to say!? She’s beautiful,” Logan concluded in a voiced low and sincere, his eyes flickering up to the expressionless face.
“Yeah, she is something, isn’t she? Quite a piece of work, our Jessie! And sexy too! When she’s like this, er…’under the influence, you might say’ she’s incredibly horny; she’ll go after anything in a pair of pants! Even the slightest touch will turn her on. Ain’t that right, Jessie?”